At M2 Coaching we provide the resources your church needs to move forward with momentum.
Whether it is developing a clear mission and vision, achieving your vision, working through a pastoral transition, better managing or assessing the health of your organization we want to help you today and equip you to move forward on your own in the future.
We recognize it can be difficult to move forward as resources are often scarce. At M2 Coaching we can help by being the “outside eyes” that can see the specific issues that are holding you back. As such, we provide the necessary resources and experience (templates, interim leadership, coaching, planning, church health assessments, systems, and more) to bring clarity and allow you to move forward with momentum.
“Because of Greg’s elite gifts and temperament in management, he would be a trusted partner in ministry!”
Meet Greg Moore
Executive, Pastoral and Leadership Coach
Greg Moore graduated with a B.S. in Business from Eastern Illinois University, an M.B.A. from Lewis University and Master of Divinity from Michigan Theological Seminary (Now Moody Seminary). While pursuing a career, raising a family, and serving as a lay leader in his church, he began attending Michigan Theological Seminary (now Moody Seminary) where he earned his Master of Divinity.
In 2002, after 22 years in the corporate world, Greg answered the call to full-time ministry and left his career to become the small groups pastor at a church in metro Detroit. There, he had the opportunity to build a small group ministry from scratch and see it grow over his 13 year tenure to include thousands of people being led by hundreds of small group leaders. As the ministry grew, he added and led a team of community pastors who were responsible for shepherding volunteers who led small groups, coordinated care, and planned and implemented outreach opportunities specific to their communities. Also, during that time, he initiated a discipleship program and had the joy of leading multiple teams to serve in short-term missions in Zambia.
Most recently, Greg served six years as an executive pastor at a church located in suburban Indianapolis where he focused on putting the right strategies, people, plans, processes, and systems in place to accomplish the vision of the church while at the same time shepherding the staff. Additionally, he had the challenging opportunity to help transition the church to a new lead pastor following the retirement of the beloved lead pastor who had been at the helm for 31 years.
Greg is passionate about coming alongside the local church at large to help it revitalize, move forward, gain momentum, and thrive despite the challenges of today’s world. He and his wife, Paula, currently live in Avon, Indiana. Together they have raised three children and love spending time with their seven grandchildren. Greg enjoys drinking exorbitant amounts of coffee, rooting for Chicago sports teams, and running multiple miles to unwind, process, and pray.
Greg brings his combined 42 years of business and ministry experience to help churches grow their ministries. He has a proven track record of seeing organizations develop and achieve their vision, grow, develop leaders, and, in the church, reach those far from God. What Greg shares with churches, he has learned in those 42 years of business and church leadership experience. As an Executive Pastor of a large church, Greg directed long and short-range vision planning and implementation (moving the vision forward), personally shepherded a large staff, assessed the health of the church, and led through a pastoral transition.
Because of Greg’s elite gifts and temperament in management, he would be a trusted partner in ministry. If a church needed ongoing coaching for a year of implementation, I would highly recommend you contact Greg immediately … You and your congregation will be glad you did! “I have had the privilege of knowing and working with Greg Moore for over six years. Greg was a tremendous asset to me, personally, as well as to our Staff and Congregational members. Greg’s character, loyalty, authenticity, and implementation of many Church initiatives played a vital role in the life of our Congregation of 5,000! Greg was also extremely valuable to the Church, during my three year transition into retirement, and he played a critical role in the search for and the transition of our new Lead Pastor.
He has recently completed that ministry and now is using his insight and experience, to come alongside Churches needing help with developing and implementing a fresh vision. Greg also has developed Management Systems for Churches, as well as developing and implanting best practices in the areas of Policies and Procedures. As stated above, Greg will also be able to Coach Churches when they need guidance during seasons of Lead Pastoral Transitions.
Because of Greg’s elite gifts and temperament in Management, he would be a trusted partner in Ministry, if a Church needed ongoing Coaching for a year of implementation. I highly recommend you contact Greg immediately… You and your Congregation will be glad you did!“

Steve Reeves
Recently retired (from Connection Pointe Christian Church, Brownsburg, IN. Steve has forty years of leading two Churches in significant growth and health. He continues serving Churches as an Interim Pastor, Church Leadership Coach, and Strategic planner.

95 Network Churches
Vision Day follow-up process helping churches create next steps to achieve your Vision Day plans.
Strategic Planning
Helping leaders become unstuck and make the changes necessary to grow.
Management Systems
Helping leaders identify problems their organization is facing.
Lead Pastor and Executive Transitions
Helping churches of all sizes make difficult changes in leadership.
Health Assessments
Helping leaders see the gaps between what is perception and reality with regards to what your congregation and outsiders say.
Executive Leadership
Interim and outsourced executive functions for those in need of help but dealing with budget constraints.